Jack 1. Nafsulian plunderer. AM. 2. Java Jack. JJ. 3. Jack Robinson. JJ. |
jaegerwurst A Bavarian variety of salami. SBBH. |
Jakarta City in Java where Java Jack's plane stops on the way to Maggasang. Java Jakarta, Java Jack...hmmmm. JJ. |
jambo, bwana Hello, mister. WK. |
Japan Their tuna is radiocative, according to Mrs. Galt. SBAD. |
Japanese-English dictionaries Kenkyusha's Japanese-English|
Dictionary (SBBH), Yojimbo's Japanese English Dictionary. AM. |
Japanese Red Army Two dropouts from the Japanese Red Army joined F.I.M. JJ. |
Jarvis, Justin Kevin Shapiro's social worker in some versions of Kevin Shapiro, Boy Orphan, such as chapter 11,600. YAN. |
Java Birthplace of Jack Robinson. JJ. |
Java Jack 1980. By Luqman Keele and Daniel Pinkwater. JJ. |
Java Jack and the Batik Pirate with the Bogeyman Band Wildly popular rock group. JJ. |
Jeans Giant, The A store that was once (and is no longer) in the Grand Mall. SBBH. |
Jeejee, Swami Indian swami. LG. |
Jefferson, Thomas A werewolf. SBBH. |
Jelly Doughnut A year in the Spiegelian calendar. |
jellyfish, astral They prospered in the days of the new great fair at Blintzni Spamgorod. SOS. |
Jerris, Mr Cruel Gym teacher. AM. |
Jimmy, Brother Author of Your Feet Are Your Head. LG. |
Jingle Bells Song played by the Omega Meter. AM. |
jitterbug Mashed potatoes and meatloaf on Wonder bread with gravy, the specialite de la maison of the Deadly Nightshade Diner--We Never Close. SBBH. |
Jivebone Planet in the Foon-ping-baba galaxy, home to short, green(?) humanoids. NFSP. |
Jiwe, Mr Director of Baboon Safaris Limited. WK. |
Johnson, Lyndon Baines He had a bad cold in 1966. SOS. FMS.|
Jolly Trolley, the Chris Kevin-Keith's retooling of Gus's: We Never Close. FLW. |
Jolly Roger 1. Leader of the dockside dogs of Hoboken. Half Alaskan Husky and half Chinese Chow Chow. Owned by the Kid. Born in Fairbanks. JR. 2. A pirate flag. NFSP. |
Jolly Roger: A Dog of Hoboken 1985. By Daniel M. Pinkwater. JR. |
Jonathan 1. Jonathan Quicksilver. SBBH. 2. Jonathan Harker. W. |
Joplin (Missouri.) Bigger than Neosho. Its courthouse resembles some Indonesian mansions. JJ. |
Jordan, Michael Not a personal friend of Bramwell Wink-Porter. AD. |
Joya, Bapak Budhi Buddhist teacher, longest lived of the five old men who saw the Maggasang treasure. Husband of Ibu, father of Munah, Sultan of Equator. JJ. |
Judaism Feared by Mrs. Macmillan. SBAD. |
Junah Bowie-wielding sailor on The Boogeyman. Learned English from American hippies in Bali. Plays guitar in the Bogeyman band. JJ. |
Jutland Jed Sailor on the Matilda Magoo. JR. |