Fafner 1. The Spellbound family dog. In certain situations he can talk. B. 2. Noel Wallaby's old dog. AM.|

Fairy Tales Around the World Contains the Invisible Hunter story. JJ.|

false nose Pinkwater owns what he understands to be the largest and most complete collection of false noses in the non-Communist world.. WK.|

Famous Moose Book at the Yellowtooth library. MP.|

Fanatical Praetorians Kevin Shapiro's elite sailor-hat wearing bodyguard corps, composed of people shorter than he. YAN.|

F'ang Tao Sheh Heinz. SBAD.|

Fantastic Eleven A comic book. AM.|

Fargo Brothers Rum-Soaked Curley-Q Curly, sparking cigar. AM.|

Fashions of Guam A store that was once (and is no longer) in the Grand Mall. SBBH.|

Fat Men Spiegelians. Also known as Fat Men from Space. FMS. SOS.|

Fat Men From Space 1977. By Daniel Manus Pinkwater. FMS.|

Fearsome Foursome, the Sargon's chief lieutenants, the premier gluttons of the cosmos. SOS.|

Feenbogen, Mrs Principal of Melvinville Elementary School. AD.|

Feeny, Sergeant Hoboken policeman. SOS.|

feet Might be being ruined by the government. SBAD.|

Feldman, Doctor see Doctor Feldman's Banana Tonic. SBAD.|

Feldman, Ned Young space explorer/pirate. NFSP.|

Feldman, Phelps Graduate chemist and Avacado fan. Scott's father. SBBH.|

Feldman, Scott Rat's nerdy classmate. He wants to krong her. Scott is the best-dressed boy in school, and can samba.SBBH.|

fiery A word Daniel Pinkwater can never spell correctly (DED). Apparently Luqman Keele can. JJ.|

Fiery Star Where the invisble giants went, accessible from Equator. JJ.|

Fifth Age When you could buy bilboks on Saturn 4. B.|

Fiji Fred Sailor on the Matilda Magoo. JR.|

F.I.M Free Island Movement. JJ.|

Findhorn Scottish MacTavish's site. AM.|

Finkdotter, Abigail Author of The Fuzzy Bunny. AD.|

Finneganstein, Seumas Inventor. Ronald Donald Almondotter's grandfather. WK.|

Fire Plug A potential nickname for Walter Galt. SBAD.|

fish Almost as untrustworthy as a duck. B.|

fish, plastic Space currency equal to 60 zlotys. GFS.|

Fish Whistle: Commentaries, Uncommentaries, and Vulgar Excesses 1989. By Daniel Pinkwater. FW.|

five little Popsnorkles They are the Children of Mr. and Mrs. Popsnorkle. They each dress in a different color, and apparently have no arms or legs. They love the Tooth-Gnasher Superflash. Appeared in Tooth-Gnasher Superflash (1981).|

Five Star Chinese-American Restaurant Feeds Jolly Rojer every afternoon. JR.|

Flamingus Home of bean people. B.|

Flash A super-hero in Donald's comic books, the cause of his 124 block hike. WM.|

Fleidermoose An opera. MP.|

fleegix A hot drink served with marshmallows and whipped cream.The focal point of Waka-Waka culture. AM.|

Fleegle St Hogboro tourist attraction. AM.|

Fleetstreet, Mrs 1st grade teacher at Melvinville Elementary School. AD.|

Fleischkopf, A. Platt FBI agent. SBBH.|

Flensburg, Harlan American meditating bell ringing gong crashing poet. LG.|

Fliegendes Schwein Flying Piggie. Y.|

Fligh Smooth skinned bastard. JJ.|

F.L.I.G.H. The Fight for the Liberation of the Island of Gunungan Heaven. JJ.|

Flintwhistle, Matilda Yellowtooth assistant librarian. Wandered off during a thaw and disappeared. MP.|

Florff 1. Captain Colossal's name for a pink whipped Jelloesque dessert that sticks to walls. DBC.|

2. Horthian Florff. SOS.|

Floyd, William Lloyd Called Bill. Resident philosopher of Morrie's Bookstore, he is writing the ultimate book on everything. He has a huge beard, a handlebar mustache, a bald head, and a moon potato. AM.|

Fluchtzbesser Brand of Rat's turntable. SBAD.|

Flutz, Carl Makes good binoculars. B.|

Flying Cloud Ship model Harold Blatz built. LG.|

Flying Bogeyman, The Java Jack and the Batik Pirate with the Boogeyman Band tour plane. JJ.|

Flying Dutchman Captain Seymour Van Straaten. Y.|

Flying Piggie German submarine designed to look like a pig. Can exist indefinately with only fish for fuel and food (food for the crew, of course.) Y|

Flying Saucer Club of Hudson County, New Jersey Club whose members have seen or been abducted by aliens. SOS.|

Flynn, Errol He has a devil-may-care laugh. JJ.|

Foon-ping-baba Galaxy, home of the palnet Jivebone. NFSP.|

footwear Wear loose shoes if hunting monsters. (Y.) Wear open toed sandals if a pre-Socratic philosopher. (SBBH.)|

Ford, Gerald Ned Feldman's favorite president. NFSP.|

Ford, Henry A teenage starlet in Chickens from Uranus, played by Captain Colossal. YAN.|

Forever Antler A novel. MP.|

Fort Simpson Site of Meteor Crater. AM.|

Fort Washington Ave Crossed by Donald every day on the way to school and/or the top of the George Washington Bridge. WM.|

42 Possibly a significant number. The celing combined IQ of fictional Kevin Shapiro's parents after the accidents (Chapter number 7,217). Also, the number of seconds the Dada Ducks spend mourning for Earth. (DED.) The Dada boys' room number in Richard M. Nixonn Hall. (DBC.) The page Klugarsh had reached in Confessions of a Yugoslavian Streetcar Conductor and the number of cents he was carrying when he met Clarence Yojimbo; also the number on Wishnik St. that is conducive to interplanar contact and the number of dollars (plus 50 cents) Alan Mendelsohn and Leonard Neeble had left over after buying the Key. AM.|

Frankenbagel Monster, the Bagelunculus. FBM.|

Frankenbagel Monster, The 1986. Daniel Pinkwater. FBM.|

Frankenstein Monster from Donald's nightmare. Resembles Miss Spinard. WM.|

Frankenstein . Shown at the Snark. SBAD.|

Franklin, Ben Quite the naughty fellow. AM.|

Freckleface Chilibean Lunchbox Louie's bulldog. WNS.|

Fred 1. Fred Blatz. LG. 2. General Fred Horsewhistle. FMS. 3-4. Freddie #1-2. B. YAN. 5. Fred Moonie. FBM. 6. Fiji Fred. JR. 7. A potato pancake-producing planet in the|

Betelmoose galaxy, possible home to savage moose, certainly home to the Freddians. SOS. 8. One of the Fearsome Foursome. SOS.|

Freddian A type of alien being that travels in buses. (B.) Spiegelians consider them adorable. They come from the planet Fred, in the galaxy Betelmoose. (SOS.)|

Freddie 1. Commander of the Ancient Order of Popsicle Lovers and inventor of the banana popsicle. A disguised Grivnizoid. And, after he eats the Great Popsicle, one of the most powerful things in the universe. B. 2. Igor's banana, it doubles as a microphone and a pistol. YAN.|

Fred's Bayou Hot Sauce What Steve Nickelson would have cheated with on Spiegel, had he known cheating was allowed. SOS.|

Fred's Fat Pig Excellent drive-in restaurant owned by Ken Krenwinkle. Y.|

Fred Watanabe--the Divine Inner Self An occult book. AM.|

Freedom Island Headquarters and hideout of the F.I.M. JJ.|

Free Island Movement Guerrilla group of children dedicated to liberating islands from imperialism. JJ.|

French To Borgel MacTavish, just about any foreign language. B|

French fried meteorites A little heavy for a human to eat: a Grivnizoid would do fine. (B.). Or a Spiegelian, for that matter (SOS).|

Freshman Survey All of human knowledge in one semester. At Martwist. DBC.|

Freud, Sigmund A werewolf. SBBH.|

Frieda, Mr P.S. 132 official, the one they send you to when you're in trouble. He happens to look a lot like Dr. Silvanus, Captain Marvel's nemesis. WM.|

Frog, Howling Yellow Dog Howling Frog's great, great, great grandson, the propreiter of Howling Frog--Books of the Weird. SBBH. Howling Frog's father. SBBH.|

Frog, "Yellow Dog" Howling Fought in the War of 1812; got his nickname in Illinois. SBBH.|

Frog, Yowling Howling Yellow Dog Howling Frog's son. He knew Dan'l Boone. SBBH.|

frog pralines Hey, they eat them on Spiegel. SOS.|

frogs Not as speedy as wizards. WC. (or grapes?)|

fry Baby fish. B.|

Fudge Giant A store on Grand Ave. SBBH.|

Fu Man 1. see The Mask of Fu Man Chu. SBAD. 2. Fu Man Nussbaum. SBBH.|

Funny Jokes in Dusseldorf German comedy Wallace Nussbaum plans to use to torture Flipping Terwilliger. SBAD.|

fur-bearing Anthropoid Greenish 450# gorilla-like beings from the Nofkis galaxy. B.|

Fuzzy Bunny A character in The Fuzzy Bunny. AD.|

Fuzzy Bunny, The A children's book by Abigail Finkdotter, not Bramwell Wink-Porter. Nor even Daniel Pinkwater. AD.|
