Dave Crockett

August 3, 1999

Post #900 – 19990803

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

While driving home from a wedding in Washington State, somewhere near Boise, Idaho, we were listening to NPR and a great story was told, er, read. The story was regarding Mush, the Dog from Outer Space. It was pure delight. We have since tried to locate the book and have not been successful. Could you help us in this matter.

Thank you.

Grace and Peace,

Dave Crockett

Daniel replies:

""Mush, a Dog From Space,"" was published by Atheneum, a division of Simon and Schuster. The sequel, also read on Chinwag Theater, was never published. An excellent internet bookseller/finder is Cattermole 20th Century Children's Books. http://www.cattermole.com and books@cattermole.com They seem to be able to get anything, and they do not charge outrageously.