Paul Maes

May 12, 1999

Post #850 – 19990512

Mr. Pinkwater,

Is the cover art on THE AFTERLIFE DIET thru Xlibris by you or Jill? The itsy-bitsy thumbnail version on the Xlibris site is hard to make out. I’m just curious, I think you’re both tops in the pretty picture department.

-Paul Maes

PS Xlibris seems like a super-cool idea.

Daniel replies:

It's by me! The first picture I have drawn since Jill took over the art department around here. (I tell a lie--I did the shading on the cover art for The Education of Robert Nifkin--so it's by both of us).

I agree about Xlibris being a nifty idea. I'm surprised how good I feel after thinking I had gotten over being skunked by Random House when that book was first published. It's just nice that the book is available, and anybody who wants to own a copy can do so. After a while, you need some kind of experience that offsets the stupidity, inefficiency, dishonesty you experience continually if you write books and get them published.