Lina Crompton

November 17, 1998

Post #772 – 19981117

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I loved the audio tape of Fish Whistle; we borrowed it from the library. I listened to it many times. Is it available for sale; we would love to own a copy. I especially liked the stories about the animals. I am an animal-lover too. Doy you have any other of your stories narrated on cassette tape?

Your Canadian audio fan,

Lina Crompton

Daniel replies:

Hey, listen...don't make me tell you this: Check the tape out of the library, put it in your double-dubbing deck, and make yourself a copy. If the library can get you the other tape, CHICAGO DAYS, HOBOKEN NIGHTS, do the same thing. There are a few other tapes around. Copy them. I don't care. The company that distributed them has never paid a cent in royalties, so you may as well enjoy them. If you're close enough to a US city where Chingwag Theater is broadcast, or have your own satellite downlink, or influence with the CBC, you may tape that too. Tape what you like. Be a pirate. It will allow you to feel better about being a Canadian, and guilty at the same time. We never had this conversation, understand?