Abe Gurewitz

January 1, 1997

Post #625 – 19970101

Earlier I wrote you on some questions for a paper that I am writing. To be more precise on the questions I had. 1.why do you make fun of how many jewish people are fat, the things that they eat, the way that they dress, and the way that they talk.

Please tell me what you think on these topics and what I could use to show them. I own both moosepire books, borgel, lizard music, fish whistle, Hoboken days and chicago nights, fat men from outer space, and all the snark out boy series.


Abe Gurewitz

P.S. My dad wanted me to mention that he grew up in Benton Harbour Michigan and your charecter from there in the book Borgel seemed to resemble a person who he knew when he lived there.

Daniel replies:

I think the expression ""make fun of,"" is what's giving me the problem. You don't think I am ridiculing people, do you? And I already dealt with your problem concerning Jews in an earlier answer.

Tell your father I have been in Benton Harbor, MI, lots of times. Very special people there. So I think I know where he's coming from, as they say.