Ronald Levin

February 18, 2012

Post #2792 – 20120218

Dear Mr Pinkwater, during my current visit to Los Angeles, I became nostalgic for two trips my mother, brother, and I took to LA in the 1950s. We stayed in the Hermione Hotel but I could not remember its location. To jog my memory, I googled the Hermione and found you. Not only did I find you but I found someone who was from Chicago – as I am – and who took the train to LA. We took the El Capitain (twice). I intend to buy the Neddiah since the Hermione (and I assume memories of it) are in the story (and I have a 1 year old grandson so I need to learn about children’s literature again). But where was the Hermione? Thanks for what ever information you can offer. Ron Levin

Daniel replies:

The fictional hotel in The Neddiad is the Hermione. A real hotel was the Hermoyne, 569 N. Rossmore in Los Angeles. There might be some similarities, but they are entirely coincidental.