T. Hsiu

February 4, 2011

Post #2681 – 20110204

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

One of my favorite books of all time is “Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars.” I still think of it whenever I eat chili or drink hot chocolate or find myself in an abandoned garden. I must have checked that book out from my local library a dozen times starting in the 4th grade through high school. I was very pleased to find it included in “Five Novels” recently, and I now look forwards to reading it to my own children so that they might develop their taste for things eccentric and surreal. And chili. Do you perchance have any thoughts on what is in Green Death Chili?

Daniel replies:

Of course I know exactly what is in Green Death Chili, and prepare it for friends on Bastille Day, the anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake, and during lunar eclipses--but I am forbidden by oath to post the recipe, or even write it down on paper. If you are a person of good character, and would care to meet me in the parking lot of the deserted muffler shop on a moonless night, I could administer the oath and tell you the ingredients.