
November 14, 2009

Post #2553 – 20091114

I saw “The Neddiad” on a shelf today, and remembered that I had heard of, if not read, your work at least fifteen years ago, when I was in some sort of school or another. I read your Chicago hot dog story just now. Not only have I been up and down Route 9 a lot since moving to Poughkeepsie (haven’t seen Herschel’s though), I used to work at a place in Rhode Island called Spike’s Junkyard Dogs, whose signature hot dog sounds a lot like a mutation of the classic Chicago hot dog. It’s got their special mustard, tomatoes, a pickle, hot peppers and scallions, so it’s missing a few things, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the owner modeled it after a Chicago hot dog. Anyhow, The Neddiad looks good, I’ll read it sooner or later, but I wanted to share thigs.

Daniel replies:

Scallions???? Sacrilege.