Brendan Keleher

May 31, 2009

Post #2508 – 20090531


Some (many?) years ago you read a piece on the radio in which you wonderfully described a rascallian of an uncle. A would be magician? A sometimes law offender – or near offender?

I still remember the piece with a smile.

Is it available in print?

I Continue to enjoy your readings of children’s book on Saturday mornings.


Brendan Keleher

Daniel replies:

What you describe could be any of a couple dozen things I've written, none of which do I remember clearly. All I can suggest is that you acquire and read or listen to my entire output of the past 40 years--sooner or later, you will run across the piece you seek. It would be interesting if you had a medical/psychiatric checkup before and after this exercise. Let us know the results.

P.S. You might start with Uncle Boris in the Yukon.