
May 2, 2008

Post #2400 – 20080502

A confession:

I, to this day, think about a book called: ” The Wuggie Norple Story. ”

I know, I know, I’m not the only one! But honestly, until today, I had not tried to type the name in a Google fashion…

And now I find myself typing this random message to someone I understand wrote it. Hey! for pete’s sake.. I was five! How could I have known?!

Anyhow, here is the true confession:

When I went back to my elementary school for some sort of a reunion, I went to the library and tried to find your book.. Damn! it was out.

I think it was a good thing in retrospect..

I probably would have taken it (of course putting my name on the take out card and leaving it on the

Ms. Laroque’s table)

Here’s to a good memory,

Thanks so much!


Daniel replies:

I _think_ a reading of The Wuggie Norple Story is available in the Audio Archive section of the Podcast section of this very website to which you

have written.

It is! --Ed