November 11, 2005

Post #1880 – 20051111

Mr. Pinkwater,

Needless to say, your work has molded my life, inspiring quirk and original (if it weren’t so influenced by you) thought into my thought, which would otherwise resemble that of any ordinary 22 year-old American man.

For background: I’ve recently graduated from a respectable university with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish literature and language; this may or may not prove useful in my future. “Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars” has indubitably taken a role in my drama of the greatest literary works ever composed within this universe, and I’ve, yesterday, opened myself to its mystique for the indefinite-th time. This beautifully intelligent decision coincides eerily with the realization that I have very little in the way of plans for my life–all I am sure is that I want to read, and love, feel human, enjoy various cuisines of this world, and during all this retain a sense of accomplishment. Thus, I find myself here, now, writing to the man I would, if forced, generally call my hero: what words can you offer? Can you contribute practical, simple or even complex advice in this situation, relatively odd, overwhelming, as such over the internet(how many of your devotees write so heavily! in content?)?

I didn’t wake this morning with the intention of interrupting the quotidian with philosophizing pleas, but now these very questions, and the birth of their answers from Daniel Pinkwater’s mouth (and only his!) seems essential.

I comprehend the absurd–the relation between our lack of relation and my asking what I ask–but I beg: don’t let a poor banker wind up victim to the psychological whirlpool of modern pressures…

Faithfully yours,


Daniel replies:

Please be sure to mention to the recruiting officer that you are there at my suggestion when you plan your exciting and useful career in the United States Navy. (I receive a small consideration for each successful candidate I send, so don't forget). Good luck, and anchors aweigh.