Normandy Helmer

May 2, 2005

Post #1820 – 20050502

I am a long-time Pinkwater fan, and also a parent and a chicken fancier. I think Daniel’s work provides important balance in an increasingly conservative and conformative society, forcing people to both see the box and then actively step outside it, stand on their head, put on weird music, and _then_ start thinking. I work in a research library where we collect, preserve, and make accessible to scholars (and normal people and kids) the work of writers and artists and thinkers and such. Daniel, if you haven’t identified a repository for your papers, please let me know. I’d sure like us to have them, but I can also help you find another institution. Your stuff is too good to lose–you need to make sure you have the necessary help to make it outlive you (and Lulu).

My son had a Bantam Cochin hen (small, round fluffy friendly creature) named Teapot for whom he wrote a series of adventures involving swords and dragons and flying motorcycles. It was glorious stuff and celebrated the fantasy life of a great, but sadly short-lived and much-mourned chicken. I credit Chinwag Theatre for twisting his mind this way. You are always welcome to visit us in Oregon. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!

Daniel replies:

I always sort of thought I would burn my papers when the end is near. The good and finished stuff is in book form, and my notes, with soy sauce stains and grocery lists in the margins is nobody's business.