Michael Cooke

September 10, 2002

Post #1535 – 20020910

Mr. Pinkwater or Pinkwater Representative,

I am a librarian for Town Center Elementary School in Coppell, Texas. Yes, the state of horned toads and chili dogs. I am currently putting together several webpages to my school site, and I took a picture of a student holding up a nice copy of your book, Irving and Muktuk, for an addition to my online catalog webpage. I sincerely hope that you will grant me the honor of having this photograph on display.

My eight-year-old son, Forrest, and I are rabid (Are there any other kind in Texas?) fans of all your books. Keep writing those masterpieces of wit, kindness, and humanity. You are the best!

Daniel replies:

Of course! Display away! Maybe Ed would like to post the picture here on the web site.

I sure would, here it is: