Enid Cloyed

May 31, 2002

Post #1491 – 20020531

Dearest Daniel~

Per your advice, I managed to hold my own in Advanced English 10 this year, and have you to thank for that. I was the bothersome girl who asked for advice on how to be a writer. No need for the motivational spiel, it worked already. I have received so much extra credit thanks to you that I should have weighted English classes for the rest of high school. I noticed in none of your books to freshman receive unkind treatment, because you never really distinguish. Well, I just became a sophomore today, and will now be able to torment the unlucky freshman; something I never got to relish in while reading your books. You have been and inspiration, and upon recently visiting New York, and New Jersey, (for the first time ever) I suddenly see the secret appeal you capture in your books. However, I have to ask, what gave you the inspiration for Beanbender’s Beer Garden in Lower North Aufzoo St? it is so subtly delightful, and is my favorite mental image. I have you to thank for everything. It is your own fault this is so long, you gave me the will to write.

Eternally Grateful (and jabbering…)

Enid Cloyed

Daniel replies:

There were beer gardens like that in leafy and quiet Chicago neighborhoods. I expect they are townhouses and condos now.