Sherril Smoger-Kessous

January 22, 2002

Post #1434 – 20020122


I have long been an avid listener to Saturday Weekend Edition on NPR. Listening to you and Scott read from the books you bring to the program usually make me stop whatever it is I am doing (usually just brushing my teeth) and just listen. I always want to go out and purchase the books, but I have two problems in that regard.

The first is that I never seem to get a pen fast enough to write down and therefore remember the book’s name and authors. The second is I am fifty years old and though I do enjoy children’s literature in my own regard, I enjoy it so much more when I have a young child with whom to share it, There were no better times than those snuggling reading books moments with my now older children. So, what I have decided to do is to start purchasing books that I will hopefully eventually read to my 21 year old daughter’s future children (I hope…I hope…I hope). As for the second problem, perhaps you can help. I have put on my Books to Buy list, Henry Builds a Cabin. I found that name by doing several searches. However the other book you read with Scott that I want to get was a Poem, if I remember correctly and it was about two sisters and their relationship and it was a wonder! Do you remember which book that was and if so, can you please tell me the name and author?

Thanks from a very grateful listener,

Sherril Smoger-Kessous

Daniel replies:

I am _pretty_ sure I have this in the right order: Essie was Smart, Amber was Brave. Thanks for the kind words.

Don't forget, folks, there's a list of books reviewed by DP and Scott here. --Ed