Mark Fish

December 8, 1999

Post #1002 – 19991208

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I avidly listen to Chinwag Theater each week, and get depressed if I miss it. Thank you for a wonderful show, and thanks to Charity Nebbe too!

I myself am a musician, and I recently wrote music to accompany The Story of Ferdinand. I know nothing of your musical taste, but would like to send you a recording and get your input. Can you give me an address where I can send it?

My website is listed below, in case you’d like to see it.


Mark Fish

Daniel replies:

Chinwag Theater takes a back seat to no other radio program in the matter of having high-class and interesting listeners. You, Mr. Fish, are further proof that our broadcast is second only to the Metropolitan Opera in appealing to fancy dudes and dudesses.