
August 6, 2019

Do you remember Stuart stern from day camp when you were 6 or 7

Mr Pinkwater

I just received a copy of your book Lizard Music and it was awesome. My dad sent it to me.

I asked how he knew you and he said you were his friend at daycsmp in Evanston IL. 

I just thought you’d like to know that he remembers you after all these years and you must’ve made a difference in his life because he kept that book all these years from the Evanston Library.

Thank you for your time 

Michelle Hawker (Stern)

Daniel replies:

Wait a minute!  It's a library book? Stuart Stern from daycamp took out a library book from the Evanston Public Library and never returned it? Has it to this day, or did until he gave it to his daughter? I never thought when I was playing baseball in public parks, and drinking not-very-cold milk out of those little miniature cartons, with Stuart Stern that he would wind up keeping a library book. Obviously, I did not write the book when I was 6 or 7, so Stuart must have come across it later, when he was older, and knew better, and recognized my name, and then he kept it?!?!? I think someone owes the Evanston Public Library nine dollars and ninety-five cents.