Andy Papier

May 28, 2022

Best books for Pre-K

Hello Mr. Pinkwater,


My name is Andy and I live in Chicago. Just recently I joined the Chicago Reads Book Buddy program that connects people like me with particular schools and their students. I was partnered with Smyth Elementary School and immediately thought of your books, which had a huge impact on my childhood. I was hoping to get your recommendations for Pre-K students? I most likely will buy a few 🙂


I am sure these kids will love them.





Daniel replies:

There's a whole bunch of polar bear books, from two different publishers I recall, YOUNG LARRY, AT THE HOTEL LARRY, ICE CREAM LARRY, BONGO LARRY, and IRVING AND MUKTUK TWO BAD BEARS, BAD BEARS IN THE BIG CITY, BAD BEARS AND A BUNNY, plus more. Great illustrations by Jill Pinkwater. I don't know what's in print, or available on Ebay, but look around. And thanks for asking.