Mike Hoffman

March 15, 2019

Thanks for Lizard Music

Lucked into finding an old discarded (why??) elementary school copy, seemed like an intriguing premise what with all the talk of “Reptilians” these days.  What I found was a real treat, kept coming back reading chapter after chapter & finished it in no time!  Very charmed and amused by the ideas, style &  concepts, and surprised I hadn’t heard of it or Mr. Pinkwater before.  This seems the sort of thing that someone would want to make a movie of, if that’s even possible.  Also some elements seemed to have paranormal overtones, lots of synchronicities and also the “Akashic” parallels with the House of Memory.  So to me there’s a great storyline with interesting action plus some food for thought for the adults, though I admit that even though I’m 60 while reading it I felt like a kid again.  I will never think of Walter Cronkite in the same way again.  Thanks!

Daniel replies:

Maybe it's because I came of age in the time of beatniks, in Chicago, a city with plenty of local heroes, and culture that didn't go national, that I can't say it was ever a significant component of my wishes and desires to be famous in a big way...not that I would have minded, but just famous enough to stay in the game has been good enough. Thus I get a kick out of someone 60 discovering and liking a book of mine. If you really liked it a lot you will flip your lid when you discover some of the others.