Jeanette Zollinger

February 24, 1999

Post #813 – 19990224

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I am taking an adolescent literature class at Brigham Young University and I am doing a research project about you. Aren’t you flattered? The project is a little unconventional which is why I have chosen you as my subject. My husband has been a fan of yours for many years and he introduced me to your work. He claims that you have a pet llama and I have also heard you have a pet rhinocerous. I would be interested in knowing if eaither of these assumptions are true and if they are, what are the names of your extraordinary pets? Thank you very much for your time.

Gratefullly yours,

Jeanette Zollinger

Daniel replies:

Our pair of African rhinos are named Melvyn and Phyllis. They are wonderful pets. We've had them for ages. They love to curl up by the fireplace on winter days like this. They come when called, and love to be scratched behind the ears. I like to take Melvyn for walks most mornings, and he gets very excited when he sees me moving toward the car with his leash in my hand. He loves going to the park, and he has special favorites among he other rhinos we meet there. My only criticism of Melvyn is that he becomes overly excited when we are riding in the car, and he sees other rhinos. I would say that rhinos make excellent pets. If they are properly trained and cared for they will return your affection, and can be trustworthy and enjoyable family members.