Ian Donaldson

November 4, 1998

Post #765 – 19981104

I currently work as a teacher’s aide in a daycare, and I have just recently introduced the children in my class to The Big Orange Splot. They are all between the ages of two and three and only a few have really taken to the story, but I still read it to as many of them as I can get to hold still because I don’t want to look like an idiot reading it over and over again to myself.

Now, the real reason I’m writing (typing) to you is to find out how I might go about seriously getting a story of my own published. I change diapers for about fifteen kids every afternoon, and while they’re on the changing table they are a very captive audience. Recently I’ve been using this time to make up and recite stories of my own and some of them have been responding very positively. One in particular, who would always kick and scream through the whole ordeal now runs to the bathroom with anticipation every afternoon. Today he even tried to tell the whole story to his father when he was picked up, I was surprised he could even remember it two hours later. I think I might be on to something here. Or maybe I should just be glad I can make a kid laugh without resorting to using the word poop. Either way any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Ian Donaldson

Daniel replies:

Getting a publisher to look at your stuff, much less getting it published, is a lot more complicated than it was when I started out in the authoring game. All you had to do then was hang around midtown with a sign reading : ""Will write for food."" Now, there are lots of books, magazine, groups, websites all about how to get published. All I know about it anymore is that I wouldn't have the patience. Anyway, good luck.