Cate McConnell

January 7, 2018

Post #4512 – 20180107

Hello Daniel, so I read “The Adventures of a Cat-Whiskered Girl” and loved it. I was actually searching for a book by Daniel Pink, who is an entirely different person as it turns out, and not you. But I got the ebook anyway and found the wacky, wonderful, sweet world of DP.

I’m sure books are like children and it’s hard to pick your favorite, but would you recommend the next few DP books to read? And, is there a sequel to the Cat Whiskered Girl? She is a delightful person who should have more adventures.

Daniel replies:

I don't have favorites exactly. It's more about which books contain the fewest failures.  There are a couple sort-of prequels to Cat-Whiskered, THE NEDDIAD, and THE YGGYSSEY, and a sort-of sequel, BUSHMAN LIVES! but they can be read in any order, or alone.  I am honored you're interested.