Addison W

November 26, 2011

Post #2763 – 20111126

Hi there. My English teacher assigns blog posts about our independent reading, and since I’m reading Lizard Music right now, I had the privilege of writing about what I’d like to ask you. Then, I found out I could ask you! Here’s what I wrote:

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

How do you come up for the ideas in your books? Do you like your last name? What did you like to do as a kid? What would you do if you didn’t like writing? Do you really call Car Talk on NPR, because I love that show. Those are my five required questions, Mr. Pinkwater. Thank you for your time.

Respectfully, Addison Woodside

Daniel replies:

Dear Addison Woodside,

Here are my 5 required replies:

I don't have to come up with ideas. Ideas are all around. I have 60 ideas a minute, just like everybody else. Only problem is, the ideas all stink. You have to work on them to make them better.

I like my last name. It is pictorial and evocative.

When I was a kid I liked eating, sleeping, playing with my dog, watching television, and listening to music.

If I didn't like writing, I would do all the things I usually do when I am not writing. These include, eating, sleeping, playing with my dog, watching television, and listening to music.

I sometimes call the crazy Magliozzi brothers on Car Talk. If you go to their website, I think you can find the audio of our conversations.

Equally respectfully,

Daniel Pinkwater